Friday, June 11, 2010

World Cup memory

The World Cup began earlier today. The event reminded me of the time I lived in Italy, and the national team was in the World Cup. The city where I was living -- Rome -- became completely deserted when the Italian team played. One could hear the TV play-by-play echo through the city streets. And there was no mystery when the Azzurri scored.

The World Cup and the obviously profound Italian interest in its national team left a powerful impact on a foreigner. It's hard for Americans to fully grasp the dimensions of national passion international play unleashes. Big-time college football comes closest, but that's a local phenomenon. The Spanish-language TV programming in the United States (at least where I live) delivers the style and passion of the sport. However, if you really want to "get it," get on a plane and visit a country that identifies with its national soccer team.

Just to be on the safe side, tell them you're Canadian.

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