Thursday, May 2, 2013

Feds Point to Multiple Causes for Honeybee Population Collapse

Sumerian seal with bee
Over the past few years, honeybees in the United States began to die in alarming numbers. No one knew precisely why this vital creature was vanishing. Various explanations emerged, the most visceral of which were the presence of pesticides in the ecosystem and the role of genetically modified crops, which required the use of the aforementioned poisons.

The US Department of Agriculture recently released what The New York Times characterized as a "comprehensive" study on the matter. It observed that bees were subjected to a barrage of unfriendly, human-made chemicals and other dreadful substances that could harm them. The presence of a parasitic mite has played havoc with bee colonies. An additional deleterious factor noted in the study was "the planting of vast areas in a single crop, such as corn."

Why should we care? While chlidhood stories and ancient myths about bees are charming, these animals are essential to a healthy agricultural system. No scheme created by humans has ever replaced the bee's ability to pollinate. The time to save honeybees is now, before they become rare sights on a summer's day.

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