Sunday, June 19, 2011

James P. Hosty, Lee Harvey Oswald's FBI Interrogator -- RIP

James P. Hosty (photo), the FBI special agent who interviewed Lee Harvey Oswald in the aftermath of President John F. Kennedy's murder, passed away Friday in Kansas City, Missouri. The Kansas City Star's obit provides a very simple overview of the man's life and significance in the JFK story.

Hosty's professional connection to the lurid JFK assassination saga led to an unrelenting light on him that severely diminished his personal privacy for the remainder of his life. Just about any theory about Kennedy's death, no matter how dimwitted, would include Hosty. He spent many years trying to clear his reputation after director Oliver Stone smeared him in the movie JFK. Hosty also submitted his documentation about the Oswald affair to the National Archives.

That this most unfortunate FBI special agent lived and ultimately passed away in Kansas City was not an accident. J. Edgar Hoover had him transferred there one year after JFK was buried. I happen to like Kansas City (my parents lived there). However, it strikes me that, for special agents in the limelight, KC is the FBI's equivalent of the Witness Protection Program.

Hosty's life, with its suggestion of Greek tragedy, has finally ended. May the man rest in peace.


  1. Hosty didn't interview Oswald in the "aftermath" of the assassination. Oswald was in the hands of the Dallas police during those 2 days before they murdered him. Hosty interviewd Oswald before the assassination and destroyed a note that Oswald had left in his hands. Hosty was part of the coverup and deserved any persecution he got. When you work for the devil, the fire will be hot.

  2. Thank you for your comment. According to The New York Times' obit on Hosty, he was taking notes during a post-assassination interrogation of Oswald. The Assassination Records Review Board also cites the same information:
