Thursday, March 12, 2015

Kentucky Lt. Gov. Candidate Alleges Arrest For Overdue Library Book

In case you wanted relief from the Hillary e-mail flap, Kentucky's gubenatorial primary races offer a suitable elixir. This time around, the Democratic Party is providing the entertainment. Geoff Young, characterized by Fox News as a "long-shot" candidate to win his party's nomination, has as his running mate a man with one guilty plea for "menacing." This fine citizen, Johnathan Masters, also has a couple of upcoming court cases on separate charges. Believe it or not, that background is the comic side of this candidacy.

Recently, as the Fox News story reported, the man who would be lieutenant governor was arrested again. The charge? Allegedly, Mr. Masters did not return a library book. The offending item has apparently been overdue for eleven years.

Hmmm...let's see...if the library fine for an overdue item is five cents per day...Mr. Masters would owe slightly less than two hundred dollars. It's not clear whether the candidate for Kentucky's second-highest statewide elected office would be released on his own recognizance, or would have to post bail. However, it's fair to say his ability to sway judge or jury is a long shot.

Kentucky's lieutenant governor follies are not restricted to Masters or Democrats. For instance, Republican Ritchie Farmer lost his bid for re-election as Lt. Gov. in a 2011 election. In early January, 2012, Farmer (a former state agriculture commissioner--you can't make this stuff up) filed for state unemployment insurance. To no one's surprise but Farmer's, his application was denied.

Later, he was later tried, and sentenced to two years in the pokey for "abusing his power" during his tenure at the state's Ag Department.

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