Monday, December 10, 2012

Annie Leibovitz Puts NYC Compound on Market for $33 Million

Annie Leibovitz
(photo: NY Daily News)
Photographer Annie Leibovitz has decided to buck the New York real estate trend and sell rather than buy. According to a story appearing in, she's just put her three building -- yes, three building -- West Village compound on the market. (The story originally appeared in The Wall Street Journal.) If you have $33 million, want a trio of renovated buildings, a private garden, and a downtown Manhattan address, then give Annie a call.

Those interested should double check any financial assurances Ms. Leibovtiz might offer. Among other character flaws, she had a reputation for stiffing vendors. One creditor finally sued her; Leibovitz pleaded poverty. Ultimately, an arrangement was made to get her out of legal hot water.

1 comment:

  1. I worked for her as a freelance assistant one long weekend in the 80's. For a few hundred bucks, peanuts to her, I waited weeks to get paid. When I inquired, she responded with, I kid you not, "I'm not a bank". Apparently, she never changed her accounting habits. I never went back.
