Sunday, March 13, 2011

Stories Overshadowed By Events in Japan

Obviously, the ongoing disaster in Japan has gripped the world's attention. However, it's worth noting some other events occurred today. Here are five of them:
1. Arab League calls for no-fly zone over Libya -- "social network" revolution needs help, as Mr. Gaddafi is turning out to be a very determined, ruthless adversary.
3. Literary agent Owen Laster passed away -- an "old school" literary agent, who represented an amalgam of belles lettres figures and plainly commercial, big-money writers.
4. Maryland House torpedoes same-sex marriage bill -- passage was supposed to be a slam dunk in this politically liberal state. Bill had made it through state senate, and governor was ready to sign the legislation.
5. Miami recall election -- no one talking about this one. They should be. It involves the Miami-Dade mayor and the Miami-Dade county commissioner. Wisconsin watchers should take notes.

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